We are on a hiatus. We will begin accepting submissions again on 8/15. Thanks!
If you would like to appear in The Weekenders, please send your submissions to: ryanswofford@gmail.com following the submission guidelines given below. We will reply within a couple of days with a yes or a no.- Poems and short fiction (under 2,000 words, or a little longer) will be considered. Please only include one story or one poem per submission.
- In the subject line, please write this: [Poetry or Fiction] Submission - [Your Name Here].
- Include your piece in the body of the email or as an attachment.
- If you are submitting a strangely-formatted poem, just submit it as a .jpg (or any other image file extension).
- All rights are the author's. If we publish it, you can do whatever you want with it. It's not ours, except you are granting us one-time publication rights. So we'll accept simultaneous submissions...just let us know if it's published elsewhere (using ryanswofford@gmail.com).
Thanks, all!
Very interesting. I have submitted
ReplyDeleteWhere is the email address to submit to?
Deleteryanswofford@gmail.com - we will have a new submission manager up soon, though!