Desolation Blues: A Beat Anthology

- Finally, it's here. Edited by Kevin Ridgeway and me, this thing took forever, but I think it's turned out to be a wonderful process. This is our first anthology; we struggled, but we got through it, like all members of the literary community should. This is with all the love in the world - enjoy.


  1. I really enjoy all these interviews. Thank you so much for these, everyone.

    1. Thanks, Tantra! Seriously. We never get any comments, so this is great. :D

  2. Good interviews all! I enjoy knowing a little something about the people behind the words. The questions were inviting enough for those interviewed to open up. Nothing dry here. I identified strongly with Brian's experience viewing the swimming polar bears.

    1. Barbara!

      Thanks so much for your comment. I think it's very important to be looking into these writers' souls--even the ones that aren't Andre Dubus III or Alice Walker or anyone like that. They're still extremely important, since they're enriching our lives and making things more beautiful than we ever could have fathomed (such as you!)

      Thanks again for commenting, and we're looking forward to receiving more beautiful work soon.

      Best wishes,
      Ryan Swofford, Ed.

  3. Sorry for the HTML problem. All fixed.
